RYA Certificates of Competence
Commercial practical courses are built on the foundations of the RYA courses, such as Powerboat 2 and Day Skipper, to which are added a number of endorsements for commercial purposes.
We can arrange all of the necessary theory and practical courses for you, other than the medical exam.
You & Sea’s team has considerable experience of training staff for commercial organisations and public bodies throughout Scotland, including police forces, wind farms, fish farms and marinas. We are focused on meeting customer needs and will happily design a purpose-built RYA/MCA training program, tailored to your requirements and timetable.
Use these flowcharts to work out which Certificate of Competence is best for you
RYA Advanced Powerboat CofC.
1 candidate: 4 to 5 hours, 2 candidates: 5 to 6 hours, 3 candidates: 6 to 7 hours. No more than three candidates can be examined in one session.
Cost: Course fee of £385, plus exam fee of £208. Customers can pay on the RYA's online system or send a cheque or card details with the application form
Seatime –
30 days
2 days as skipper.
800 miles (this reduces to 400 if you have completed the Advanced Powerboat course).
Certificates required –
A valid First Aid certificate
A VHF license
Minimum age – 17
RYA Yachtmaster Coastal CofC
This is the exam that will allow you to complete your Yachtmaster Coastal Certificate of Competence and work commercially under MGN 280 up to 20nm from a safe haven.
Dates can be arranged to coincide with the completion of your Yachtmaster Exam Prep Course. Click for Dates & Booking or contact us to discuss
6-10 hours for 1 candidate, 4-8 hours per candidate where there is more than 1.
Exam Fee: £208, Customers can pay on the RYA's online system or send a cheque or card details with the application form
Seatime –
30 days
2 days as skipper
800 miles (this reduces to 400 if you have completed the Coastal Skippers course)
At least half the qualifying seatime must have been accrued in tidal waters.
Knowledge to the level of Yachtmaster Coastal Shorebased.
Certificates required –
A valid First Aid certificate
A VHF License.
Minimum age –
RYA Yachtmaster Offshore CoC
The RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Examination is, for many boaters, the ultimate qualification when working commercially. For a leisure boater it may simply be a confirmation of the level that you have attained in your boating. Passing the Yachtmaster Offshore Certificate of Competence means that you are considered competent ‘to skipper a motor cruiser on any passage during which the boat is no more than 150 miles from a safe haven.’
The exam will last approximately 8 to 12 hours for one candidate and 5 - 9 hours per candidate where two or more are being examined.
Cost: Exam fee is £241. Customers can pay on the RYA's online system or send a cheque or card details with the application form
This is the exam that will allow you to complete your Yachtmaster Offshore Certificate of Competence and work commercially under MGN 280 up to 150nm from a safe haven.
Dates can be arranged to coincide with the completion of your Yachtmaster Prep Course. Click for Dates & Booking or contact us to discuss
Seatime –
50 days
5 days as skipper
2500 miles, at least 5 passages over 60 miles, acting as skipper for at least two of these passages and including two of which have involved overnight passages
At least half the qualifying seatime must have been accrued in tidal waters.
Knowledge to Yachtmaster Offshore shorebased level.
Certificates –
A valid First Aid Certificate
A VHF License.
Minimum Age –
Conversion from Sail to Power
We can offer these exams as part of a full Yachtmaster Prep course or a shortened prep course. Please contact us to discuss your requirements for this exam.
Note, only 50% of the mileage is required.