RYA Advanced Powerboat CoC Prep Course & Exam

The RYA/MCA Advanced Powerboat exam is a practical test of skippering ability by day and night in the type of craft applicable to the National Powerboat Scheme 

 3 day course £395 (plus £221 exam fee payable to the RYA)

Given our commitment to keep prices as low as possible, in the current economic climate we reserve the right to cancel & reschedule any course which is not fully booked

Exam Syllabus

You should be able to enter and depart from a charted port by day or night. Your examiner will give you a pilotage exercise and ask you to explain your planning. You will need to be aware of the problems of collision avoidance and how to determine your position by night. 

5. Meteorology

You should be able to use weather and tidal information to predict likely sea conditions and make passage planning decisions.

You should be able to apply the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea. You should be able to identify vessels by day or night.

Candidates will be expected to know what safety equipment should be carried on board the vessel, based either on the recommendations on the RYA website or the Codes of Practice for the Safety of Small Commercial Vessels. In particular, candidates must know the responsibilities of a skipper in relation to: 


What's Included

What To bring with you:

Course Dates

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